Peace Be Still: A History of Modern Black America (Nebraska, 2014) is in significant ways simply a subset of the many editions of Hine, Hine, and Harrold's African American Odyssey (Pearson/Prentice Hall, 5 editions). Textbooks tend to be for the most part uncited, of course, and to describe similar events. But Peace Be Still in fact does cite (Professor Whitaker assiduously cites to his own previous publications, for example), just not in a way that even hints at the extent of the book's dependence on African American Odyssey. And its overlap with African American Odyssey goes well beyond a shared need to discuss major events and people. Professor Whitaker draws, sometimes for pages at a time, his analysis, statistics, primary source quotations, and organization from the earlier work, usually without any attribution at all. He does not include in his bibliography the most recent editions that he stripmines. And even as Professor Whitaker declares his intention to focus innovatively on culture and the post-2000 era, he is dependent for those very subjects on Hine, Hine, and Harrold. Dr. Darlene Clark Hine is included in the acknowledgments as one person in long lists of scholars, and the other two authors of African American Odyssey, not at all. On the shelves of the Cabinet, we can give you only the barest idea of the gloomy thrill reading these two books side by side provides. Here are three examples with images provided strictly for educational purposes. The rest, the old-fashioned way.